Spatangus purpureus
Purple heart urchin

Spatangus purpureus
Entire individual on sea bed.
Image width ca 25 cm.
Image: Bernard Picton / Joint Nature Conservation Committee

Phylum Echinodermata
Class Echinoidea
Habitat Information
Occurs buried just below the surface of coarse sand or gravel, including maerl but rarely mud, in wave sheltered areas in the infralittoral fringe, down to about 900 m.
Species description
A large, spectacular, violet coloured heart urchin that grows up to 12 cm long. Some of the long upper spines are white. The bivalve mollusc Montacuta substriata is often found attached to spines.
PMF archive information
Species name is listed in the PMF at the following locations:
>Eddystone (inner) Channel Grounds
Eddystone (outer) Channel Grounds
Looe-Eddystone Grounds
Mewstone shell gravel/Mewstone Ledges
Queens grounds and New Grounds
Rame-Eddystone or Middle Grounds

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