Eddystone (inner) Channel Grounds

Lat/long Eddystone (inner) Channel Grounds
50 10.00N
50 10.31N
04 15.00W
04 17.12W
50 04.85N
50 07.55N
04 10.43W
04 25.10W

Location description (1957)
Eddystone (Inner) Channel Grounds (32-38 fm.). Eddystone 1-8 miles distant from north-north-west to east-north-east. The bottom is fine sand. This infauna here is similar to that of the Looe-Eddystone grounds, but enriched by the presence also of Nucula turgida, Lucinoma borealis, Cyprina islandica, Cardium echinatum, Echinocardium cordatum and Glossobalanus sarniensis. Chaetopterus variopedatus is also present in considerable numbers. Close to the Eddystone rocks, with the lighthouse bearing east-north-east to north-east, thornback rays (Raia clavata) are more plentiful than further out. Further information about the fauna of this ground is given by Holme (1953).
Updated information No updated information
Species List >Alcyonium digitatum
Crossaster papposus
Doris sticta
Henricia oculata
Hero formosa
Homarus gammarus
Maja squinado
Ophiura albida
Spatangus purpureus