Channel below Newton Creek

Lat/long Channel below Newton Creek
50 18.77N
50 18.78N
04 03.02W
04 03.18W
50 18.60N
50 18.62N
04 03.06W
04 03.15W

Location description (1957)
The channel of the river just below the junction of Newton Creek is the best dredging ground in the estuary. The bottom is covered with stones and shells (chiefly oyster-shells), to which quantities of red and brown weeds are attached. Of the molluscs large Archidoris pseudoargus, Acmaea virginea, Calyptraea chinensis and Acanthochitona crinita are numerous; of ascidians Phallusia mammillata and Ascidiella aspersa, and of hydroids Plumularia pinnata and Hydractinia echinata on shells inhabited by Eupagurus benhardus are characteristic. Polycirrus caliendrum is plentiful, whilst numbers of phyllodocids and syllids, as well as other small polychaetes, hide amongst the stones and shells. Asterias, Marthasterias, and Ophiothrix are usually taken, as well as a variety of shore crabs and spider crabs. The occurrence of Eurylepta cornuta, Lineus longissimus, and Prostheceraeus vittatus may also be mentioned. The region of the Zostera bed towards the mouth was most usefully worked with a shrimp trawl, when the Zostera flourished. At that time, in addition to pipe-fishes, wrasses and other small fishes, Praunus flexuosus was abundant, as well as Hippolyte varians, Cantharus striatus, Lacuna vincta, and lucernarians, while Anemone sulcata was abundant attached to Zostera. Today most of these species may be encountered, but more sparsely.
Updated information Description updated in 1999
Species List No information available.