Cawsand Bay

Lat/long Cawsand Bay
50 20.55N
50 20.03N
04 10.26W
04 11.82W
50 19.74N
50 19.32N
04 11.92W
04 11.20W

Location description (1957)
Cawsand Bay. (3-5 fm.). A characteristic inshore shallow bay with a bottom of mud, muddy sand and fairly clean sand towards low-water mark. Rocks border the northern and southern margins of the bay. Being sheltered from the south-west, it is protected from the most violent and frequent gales, which in this district come from that direction, and is only visited by heavy seas during gales from the east. In the shallowest parts of the bay an extensive bed of Zostera was once present but has now disappeared with a consequent reduction in the fauna. Some smaller crustacea (Praunus neglectus, Cumacea, etc.) are abundant, and Maia squinado, small specimens of the common edible crab (Cancer pagurus), shrimps (Crangon vulgaris), prawns (Palaemon serratus) and Hippolyte varians are generally obtained. Sepiola atlantica is usuaIly present in fair numbers in the winter months, and in the summer small specimens of Sepia officinalis are often numerous. Foraminifera, especially Elphidium crispum are generally abundant. Nassarius reticulatus occurs in quantity, often covered with the hydroid Leukartiara octona. Turritella communis and Melinna palmata are plentiful, and Aporrhais pes-pelicaniis always present in small numbers. Spisula elliptica, Ensis ensis, Lutraria lutraria, Labidoplax digitata, Glycera sp. are not uncommon buried in the muddy sand. Smallflat-fishes (soles, plaice, dabs, etc.) and blonde rays (Raia brachyura) are generally plentiful and pipe-fishes are obtained. Small and medium-sized Zeus faber usually put in an appearance in small numbers in the late summer and autumn months.
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Species List >Alloteuthis subulata
Laomedea angulata
Maja squinado
Sabellaria alveolata
Sepiola atlantica
Stiliger bellulus